View from the hotel. Riveira Bay Resort. Some of the old building and kampungs.

Another view from another angle. Those small little huts is actually Shah Beach Resort hotel
Here is a picture taken from inside the hotel corridors

A wide angle view, or at least what 18mm can fit.
This was the place where my whole family gathered for the first time with my sis & her family(hubby & 2 girls aged 3 & 5 years) having returned for a holiday from the States after 5 years.
When we decided to go for a swim in the majestic looking pool, unbeknowned to us, all of us(Patricia, Pauline my 2nd sis, Kristiana, Kaylin & I) came out of the changing room, wearing ALL PINK. We laughed all the way to the pool, considering that I don't live with any of my sisters & this was not planned. It's something that I will always cherish, that although the Lim sisters are different, we all like PINK.
cool shots, dude! especially like the corridor and balcony shots, nice angle. makes me wonder how u managed to clear all the people away too!
have taken shots of the 3 dolphins before. they look really cool at nite with the colored flood lights turned on...nice effects. although i always thought the management shld change the 3 dolphins to 3 peacocks instead...u know? just for a change? : )
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