Friday, November 03, 2006

In Flight

Been trying to get pictures of insects in flight. Here are some of my initial shots. I'll post up more later. Enjoy.


moggie said...

oh no, it's doing a kamikaze....banzaiiii!

cool shot, milo.

LadyHawk said...

Is that a mosquito? Why does it have a metallic sheen? Further proof that Milo has a secret alien breeding centre in his garden !!

miloice said...

Haha thanks mogs.

ladyhawk, if i have an alien breeding centre..Holy Canoly! what does moggie have!? The mother of all alien breeding ground! :P

moggie said...

uh oh...milo, i think our top secret 'operasi makhluk asing bin gasing' has been discovered! how now....?

miloice said...

We shall assimilate her into our collective - resistance is futile :P