Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Photos from week 23

Another Green Pigeon or probably the same one from the last photo.

One of the local squirrel with long sharp nose. The powdery stuff on its nose is from the Chiku fruits

Another squirrel but with a flat nose {how come never use powder like the previous one :P}

Sterling giving me the eye

Male Olived-backed Sunbird {Eh since when you know to identify male from female!!?}
{Wah title also change to put week number some more!! :P}


Sanna said...

Lovely photos! I've never thought about how different squirrels can be until I showed an Indian friend some photos I took of a squirrel here and he was amazed at the colour. Now I have to add long sharp nosed ones and flat nosed ones to my list. =)

Milo said...

There's even the Black Giant Squirrel here in Malaysia. Yet to get a photo of one yet thought.