Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Mighty Jungle...

Here are some more bugs from Ulu Geroh. Guess what bug is this? Cute big eyes.[Wei, what mighty jungle title is this, you sing song ah? sing song go karaoke lar. Hmm this bug is cute]
Not too sure what this is, but I'm guessing its one heck of a big fly! [Fly my foot! dunno say dunno]

A cicada nymph skin

Guessing it's a white shield bug [Yeah it looks white, but I know your still just guessing]
This was where I took most of the bug photos, Geruntum falls. Does wanders on a hot sunny afternoon. [Got water droplets on you lens! Testing to make sure its water proof is it?]

1 comment:

Andy said...

Finally, he posts! Dude, so many cool stuff from Geroh. You managed to get the white colored shield bug nymph...what a beautiful specimen. The damselfly shots are beautiful. Btw, the cup-fungi you have there is a cookeina sulcipes.